Disclaimer - this post contains a lot of complaining.- Looking at pictures of me from 3 years ago when I was skinny, makes me sad.
- I'm never buying anything but a cheap dishwasher again. Our 2 1/2 year old dishwasher just went out and it cost JUST AS MUCH to buy a brand new cheaper dishwasher as it would to fix it. Yikes!
- Why do I feel so lousy on a day that started out so sunny and bright?
- When will I ever regain the energy to clean my house again? It's been 3 months and if it wasn't for Steve, we would be living in squalor.
- Why did a stupid realtor call me today and ask me about the status of my house? Dude, we had 96 showings during the MOST MISERABLE 6 months OF MY LIFE. We are NOT listing again for a good LONG time.
- Come to think of it, during those majorly stressful 6 months, I put on a lot of weight, had my first bout of stress induced psoriasis, spent entirely too much money eating out, and had to take "happy pills" to prevent a total breakdown (even though I had no less than 3 massive crying meltdowns). If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't. I'd run.
- Why did I feel really good for about 2 weeks and then, since last Saturday (or just over a week), feel less than human again?
- My mom says that during periods of rapid fetal growth, it's normal to feel really wiped out. So, I'm just hoping it's the baby getting bigger.
- I feel crummy, and I know that taking a shower will help, but where do I get the energy to do that?
- I feel like such a bad mom on days where I barely have energy and Brett needs a mom, and I feel like I'm majorly letting him down.
- I hate making appointments with delivery people. I keep rescheduling Brett's dresser for delivery because only the day before will they give you the 2 hour window when you need to be home (but they want you to leave your entire day open first). Who can do that?
- Ugh. We have to paint and put together Brett's room. And, find a place for everything in this third bedroom that won't fit anywhere else in our house (including our entire home office). Yeah, so much for selling our house. But, I am at least GRATEFUL that my dad turned this into a third bedroom. Before that, it was just a loft, and we wouldn't have been able to have this second baby.
- When will I feel normal again????
Sorry, I told you it would be a rant... here's hoping my next post is more upbeat.