Sunday, December 14, 2008

Destination: Bear

So, we've been encouraging Brett to start crawling. He's working on it... he just doesn't have all of the moving parts in sync. Usually he'll try to do everything at once and end up in a big face plant! Recently, we've been pointing him toward a "goal" and most of this time it's his famous teddy bear chair. Here are some shots of Brett with his goal in mind (and yes, I took the goofy face pictures while he was doing this).

Here I go, Mom & Dad! I'm going to go have a chat with Mr. Bear...

Well, I guess I can always stop & pause for a photo op....

This crawling business is hard work! I think I'll take a nap instead.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

What a cutie! He's seriously adorable. One of these days, we really do need to introduce the kiddos in person. :)