Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Long Delayed Vacation Post

About 2 weeks ago, Steve and I took off with my extended family (mom, dad, brothers and their families) for a week long trip to a resort in northern Wisconsin. Specifically, a resort on the Chippewa Flowage near Hayward, WI. It was a nice relaxing week and except for the crazy mosquitos, I think that everyone seemed to have a pretty good time.

Brett, being 2 constantly ran off with wreckless abandon. I have to thank my entire family and Steve for being good sprinters and keeping an extra eye on him. I don't move very quickly these days, and if it weren't for them, Brett would surely have made it it into the water before I could reach him. Consequently, he wore a life jacket every time he went outside, as well as several times in the cabin. Hopefully next year he develops some sense and realizes when to stop.

Also, in Hayward was the freshwater fishing hall of fame (I know, my FAVORITE stop), but Steve wanted to go, so we took Brett one day. The one cool part was the 100 foot muskie statue that you could walk into and look out his mouth. I was too tired to climb all the stairs, so I let the boys go in and I stayed behind and took pictures.

I got to read a couple of books and enjoyed a pedicure and Steve and I took in Eclipse at the local theatre, so it was all good for me since I don't enjoy fishing so much. Now, we are home and I plan to stay put until baby girl makes her arrival :)


Cathy said...

Honestly, I love fishing, it's quite relaxing, especially when you with someone who loves you enough to get your worms for you. (I can worm a hook, but it's always nice to have someone help.) But sitting by a lake sounds Very Relaxing, especially with a bunch of folks wanting to help love on the kid!

Farmerspice said...

Did you go to the Lumberjack show? I love that show. They have been doing our state fair for years. glad you had a nice vacation.