Friday, April 3, 2009

My Favorite Toys

What are Brett 's two favorite toys on the whole planet?

If you guessed they were not actual baby toys, "ding, ding, ding" you won the prize!

Like seemingly all babies, Brett loves our tivo remote (and don't try to fool him with his Elmo remote, because at 11 1/2 months old, he already knows it is "fake"), and he could spend all day playing with my cell phone.

I didn't mind him playing with the phone as much at first, until he dropped it into the dog's water bowl and almost fried it. Now I try to keep it out of his hands, but that doesn't always work so well. For example, in the photos below, he had gotten into my purse and found it. Smart little guy!

Okay, I've already changed the channel away from the classical music that mom wanted me to listen to, now let's screw up her phone...

Hmmm... I'll add vibrate along with the ring so I can make it as annoying as possible...

Looks like it worked... hey mom, it's for you... by the sound of the ringtone I think it's dad. Can you please put him on speaker so I can try to grab the phone out of your hand the whole time you are talking to him?


Carrie said...

Can you believe the little bugger ordered "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" at my parents house this morning? He was playing with their remote... hit "on demand" and the rest is history...

Cathy said...

Beverly hills Chihuahua! omigoodness, I laughed until things hurt. Chris was just like that. His latest is the camera, and not distracted by fakes either. At that age, my stepmom gave him her old phone, which played ring tones, and could only dial 911, which blessedly he did NOT dial. Dog did once...but that's another story.

Anonymous said...

I recently heard a news story about parents who use old cell phones as toys...and the kids who dial 911 while playing. They said it takes twice as much in time and resources, because the 911 operator has to determine if there could be an actual emergency. I think in Chicago they had a kid who called 911 over 300 times in a the police finally bribed the kid with McDonalds to tell them where he was so they could go take the phone away. End of the story, they suggested that you remove the battery when using a cell phone as a toy...