Friday, June 6, 2008

Trying To Be Like Daddy

If you know anything about my husband, Steve, you know that he is incredibly intelligent. In fact, that is a major reason I was attracted to him in the first place. I've always found intelligence to be far more attractive than, say, athleticism (but for his credit, Steve does hit the treadmill).
Right before we first started dating in college, I was hanging out in his room and he was watching Jeparody with his roommate, and I swear he got every answer right! That sealed the deal for me...
Since he graduated from Butler, he went on to get his masters at Ball State and is now in the process of acquiring his doc from there as well. In about 3-4 years you can call him Dr. Steve.
Anyway, intelligence is a trait that I really hope got passed on to Brett (and if it wasn't - sorry, that's probably my fault!). He and Steve have watched Jeoparody almost every night together since he was in the womb... and so to encourage Brett, we like to dress him in this onesie...

Also, as I have stated in numerous blogs while pregnant, Steve's 6'4" physique dwarfs my 5'3" stature. And, while it's hard to tell what Brett's features will turn into later, one thing is apparent. He is one long and lanky kid! He has his dad's arms and legs. Hey, maybe if he IS athletic - we may have the next NBA player! He was born at a staggering 21 1/2 inches, and I'm really anxious to see what he's at next Friday at his 2 month appointment. He's also incredibly thin (again, from his daddy - I pray he doesn't have my metabolism), so finding clothes is beginning to be a bit of a challenge. Overalls seems to work well.

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